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Download Problems?
Here if you want information about what to do with the download files after
If you are having problems downloading
, consider the following:
- To get our software from our site to your
site, it must travel through multiple Internet Service Provider (ISP)
"hops." The connection is only as good as the worst
hop. You might want to try again at a different time of the day/night.
Try http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/56521.shtml
for a good international site; be aware that the version may be outdated, so
note the version after the install and look back here for an update/upgrade.
- The quality of your telephone line and modem
will play a big part in whether a bad connection will cause termination of
transmission. You might want to try again at a different time of the
- We have recently confirmed that our ISP has
a 90 minute timeout limit on downloads. We are not happy about
this fact. We are very sorry for any inconvenience, and we are trying
to resolve this issue ASAP. However, for the time being, if you have a
slow link causing the download time to exceed 90 minutes, you will need to
do the following work-arounds.
- Download
from one of the download sites on the web. For example, ZDNET
as they maintain a version of
directly on their site. HOWEVER, this may not be the latest
version, so make sure you download the update
on our site. Since the update is much smaller than the full
version, you should not hit the 90 minute limitation.
If you prefer, you can order the Ziata!
CD-ROM. (The included QuickStart Companion will be of great
assistance to you.)
Order v.6 Ziata!
CD Now.
Ordering the CD-ROM has advantages well-worth the cost:
- Includes the
full install version. (Depending upon the synchronization of the
CD order date and our CD burn cycle, the CD almost always, but may not
necessarily, has the latest update files.)
- Includes the preprinted Ziata! Quickstart Companion manual
to get you up and operational immediately. It also has tips and
explains installation and configuration options. The exciting OOD
concept of data management is described in more detail. [Click here to review the Ziata!
QuickStart Companion
in your browser. Right-click and Save Target As to download,
particularly if you have a slow connection.]
- It's hassle free. One
telephone call or e-mail to order get the process moving.
The CD-ROM is only $49.99 + $ 3.00 shipping and handling for U.S. regular mail, or a total of
$52.99; if you
prefer an alternative form of shipping, e.g., FEDEX, replace the $3.00
with the alternative cost of shipping. (Ordering
the CD is not a substitution for registration of the product or the separate
registration fee--the fee is for the convenience of receiving the software on a
CD-ROM, rather than downloading.)
At the time of ordering the CD-ROM only, each additional copy of the QuickStart
Companion is available for $5.99 each, or may be ordered separately for
$14.99 at any time.
Ziata Solutions, LLC
Allegheny building, 12th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1616
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1616
Voice: 412-765-0490
Fax: 412-765-0531
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Copyright © 1998-2005
Ziata Solutions, LLC All rights
Revised: February 20, 2005.